Saturday, April 28, 2012


Sorry for the wait we have had little activity in our organization, so we apologize for the lack of posts.  We hope the action will pick up soon.
Jean Ceiydi

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Translated Blog / Traduzido blog

Dear viewers,
    We have noticed that we have had 13 viewers from Brazil, a Portuguese speaking country.  If you are a viewer from Brazil, or another Portuguese speaking country for that matter, please contact us at to request a translated blog.  Sorry for any mistakes in grammar, I only speak a little Portuguese, and I'm forced to use an online translator.
Please contact us,
Jean Ceiydi

Os telespectadores,
    Temos observado que temos tido 13 os telespectadores do Brasil, um país de língua Portuguesa. Se você é um espectador do Brasil, ou de outro país de língua Portuguesa para que o assunto, por favor, contacte-nos em para solicitar uma tradução blog. Peço desculpa por quaisquer erros na gramática, eu só falar um pouco Português, e eu estou obrigado a usar um tradutor online.
Por favor contate conosco,
Jean ceiydi

Friday, February 24, 2012

New Viewers/ 新观众 / nowych widzów

We, as an organization, were so delighted to see the flood of international viewers we got when we checked or stats this week! As you can imagine, views from Taiwan and Poland were quite exciting. It is always great to see that our organization is constantly expanding our ideals to new international viewers. Like always, if you are one of these we want to make sure you can fully understand everything we're saying as conveniently as possible. Please ask us if you request a translated blog into Polish or Chinese. You can e-mail us at


My, jako organizacjabyli tak zachwyceni, aby zobaczyć zalew międzynarodowychwidzów dostaliśmy kiedy sprawdziliśmy lub statystyki w tym tygodniu! Jak można sobie wyobrazić, widoki z Tajwanu i Polski były bardzo emocjonujące. To jest zawsze wielka, aby zobaczyć, że nasza organizacja stale się poszerza nasze ideały do nowych międzynarodowych widzów. Tak jak zawsze, jeśli jeden z nich chcemy się upewnić,można w pełni zrozumieć wszystko, co mówisz, jak wygodnie, jak to możliwe. Proszę pytać nas, jeśli poprosisz przetłumaczoną bloga na język polski lub chińskiMożna e-mail na adres

Saturday, February 11, 2012

We got rid of the French and Dutch blog...


You all may have noticed we removed the blog in Dutch and French. We just haven't had the kind of viewers we thought we would. However, if we get three or more viewers from the Netherlands or about thirteen more from French speaking countries then we will consider bringing the blogs back.

Thank you,
The UFGY staff

Translated Blog/ Blog Traducido

We are in the process of creating a translated blog into Spanish. We want to make sure we have a gateway to the Hispanic community, and that we are speaking to the right audiences. If you are in need of this translated blog, please hold on just a bit longer! If there are any problems or you need a specific post translated please email me at

Estamos en el proceso de creación de un blog traducido al español. Queremos asegurarnos de que tenemos una puerta de entrada a la comunidad hispana, y que estamos hablando al público adecuado. Si usted está en necesidad de este blog traducido, por favor, espere un poco más de tiempo! Si hay algún problema o necesita un puesto específico traducida por favor escríbame a

Hold On!

Please just hold on a bit longer! We are working hard to keep posting lots of great material, but we just don't have the time! We have not forgotten about you, trust us. New material is coming soon!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Hello / Halo / Buna / Olá / Hola

Hello everyone! We have gotten so many viewers and I decided to try to get this process done with one post. We now have new viewers in Indonesia, Moldova, and Brazil! Anyway, here's the problem... These places don't speak English! Why Look at a website when you can't read our content. So, as an organization encouraging multiculturalism, we want everyone to understand our content. If you are interested in a translated blog please e-mail me at:! We are so happy to teach more people from around the world about our cause! Welcome to the UFGY Family! Si usted es ecuatoriano, por favor, desplácese hacia abajo cuatro puestos para ocupar un puesto de esta naturaleza en español.

Halo tiap orang! Kami sudah menangkap sebegitu banyak penonton dan saya memutuskan mencoba membuat proses ini dilakukan dengan satu pos. Kami sekarang mempunyai penonton baru di Indonesia, Moldova, dan Brasil! Bagaimanapun juga, ini masalah... Tempat ini tidak berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris! Why Look di situs web kalau anda tidak bisa membaca isi kami. Oleh sebab itu, sebagai organisasi yang menyemangati multiculturalism, kami ingin tiap orang mengerti isi kami. Jika anda berkepentingan di menterjemahkan blog silahkan mengirimkan e-mail kepada saya di:! Kami begitu bahagia mengajar lebih banyak orang dari sekitar dunia tentang sebab kami! Selamat datang kepada UFGY Family!

Buna ziua tuturor! Am ajuns spectatori atât de multe şi am decis să încerci să obţii acest proces face cu un post. Avem acum noi spectatori în Indonezia, Republica Moldova, şi Brazilia! Oricum, aici e problema ... Aceste locuri nu vorbesc engleza! De ce să Uită-te la un site web atunci când nu puteţi citi conţinutul. Deci, ca o organizaţie multiculturalismul încurajatoare, vrem ca toată lumea să înţeleagă conţinutul. Dacă sunteţi interesat de un blog va rugam sa tradus prin e-mail-mă la:! Suntem atât de fericiţi să-i înveţe mai multe persoane din intreaga lume cu privire la cauza noastra! Bine aţi venit la Family UFGY!

Olá a todos! Temos obtido tantos espectadores e decidi tentar obter esse processo feito com um post. Nós temos agora novos telespectadores na Indonésia, Moldávia e Brasil! De qualquer forma, aqui está o problema ... Estes lugares não falam Inglês! Por que olhar para um site quando você não pode ler nosso conteúdo. Assim, como uma organização incentivando o multiculturalismo, queremos que todos entendam o nosso conteúdo. Se você está interessado em um blog traduzido envie e-mail me at:! Estamos tão felizes de ensinar mais pessoas de todo o mundo sobre a nossa causa! Bem-vindo à Família UFGY!